segunda-feira, 6 de agosto de 2012

Data Warehouses Empresariais - Pontos de Função e Contagem - Release 1,0

Publicação original = Fórum SBGC-TIC  30/6/2008 5:37 PM

Tradução não oficial de: Function Points & Counting – Entreprise Data Warehouses - 2007

The Internacional Function Point User Group

Nota: A NEC (Comitê de Novos Ambientes) criou esses “White Papers”, em um esforço para distribuir, rapidamente para a comunidade de contagem, dicas sobre o assunto. 

Este documento baseia-se nas práticas de contagem de pontos de função, tal como descrito na atual série 4,2 do Manual IFPUG de Práticas de Contagem (CPM), e demonstra a aplicabilidade de Pontos de Função IFPUG para o assunto. 

O conteúdo deste documento é para ser utilizado exclusivamente como sugestões na aplicação da contagem de ponto de função no domínio descrito. 

Essas sugestões não constituem mudanças de regra e não devem ser utilizados como regras. Embora este documento tenha sido analisado e aprovado pelo CPC, não constitui normas IFPUG para prática de contagem como contidas no CPM. 


Nos últimos anos vimos um aumento dramático na implantação de Data Warehouses Empresariais, em todo o mundo. Dada a natureza primária destes armazéns de dados como repositórios de dados enviados a partir de outros aplicativos, a contagem de ponto de função desses sistemas tem proporcionado grandes desafios para a comunidade. 

O objetivo deste trabalho é fornecer orientações para a aplicação das regras de contagem de pontos de função especificadas na versão 4,2 do Counting Practices Manual (CPM), datada de Janeiro de 2004. Este “White Paper” não conflita com as regras oficiais do IFPUG especificadas no CPM. 

Maiores informações em:

The Internacional Function Point User Group

NEC - New Environments Committee 

Publicação original = Fórum SBGC-TIC  3/7/2008 6:45 PM

How should the functionality of a Data Warehouse be counted?


While it is recognised that Data Warehouse systems each have their own unique characteristics, there are certain generic characteristics shared by the family of systems known as Data Warehouses. These include: 

1. The prime purpose of a Data Warehouse is to store, in one system, data and information that originates from multiple applications within, or across, organisations. The data may be stored ‘as received’ from the source application, or it may be processed upon input to validate, translate, aggregate or derive new data/information. 

2. Most of the data load functions are processed in batch. There are few on-line data maintenance functions. The on-line functions that do exist tend to update the reference files and data translation tables. 

3. A database alone, does not constitute a Data Warehouse system. At a minimum, a Data Warehouse system must include the database and corresponding load functions. Data reporting functions are optional. They may, or may not be an integral part of the Data Warehouse system. 

4. The prime purpose of storing the data is to support the information reporting requirements of an organisation i.e. multiple users and multiple applications. 

5. The Data Warehouse may, or may not, provide the required reporting functions. In some cases, external applications access the Data Warehouse files to generate their own reports and queries. 

6. Data Warehouse functions are often based upon packaged software. An example is the Business Objects product. 

7. Where the data within the Warehouse supports the reporting requirements of multiple applications and users, the data may be physically stored based upon the user requirements. Separate database segments may store the ‘user views’ for a particular user. This results in the physical storage of a considerable amount of redundant data. The data storage approach is designed to optimise data/information retrieval. 


Note: The following list of functions are intended to be a generic guide for counting this type of application, there may be instances where particular applications may offer more or less functionality.

Files: Internal Logical Files

The main issue with Data Warehouse (DW) systems is how to count the files. Typically a DW is required to support the information needs of multiple applications/users. Data is input to the systems from a number of source systems (usually core systems). At the time the data is loaded it may be processed in multiple ways and update multiple files, each of which supports a different user’s needs. With DW files it is not possible to force a logical view of the files. The same data can be stored in multiple physical files because it supports that particular user’s view of their requirements. 

Where they exist, the following may be counted as ILFs for the Data Warehouse System: 

Master Data Files
These may store processed information or data as received from the source core systems. Redundant data may be stored in various physical tables that are required to support User Views of data. Count each physical database table as a logical file. Count the redundant DETs as DET’s in the files in which they occur. Do not count redundant DETs that occur within the one file. 

Reference/Translation Tables
The possibilities are many and varied. However under the recommended guidelines only one Translation table is counted per application. See Section 3.4.7, Reference tables – Identification Guidelines 

Log/Event Files
Files may exist which maintain information about the currency of the data within the DW. For example they may record when data was last refreshed from a particular source application. 

Transactions: External Inputs
The EI load transactions are identified from a physical perspective as well. 

Where they exist, the following may be counted as EIs for the Data Warehouse System: 

Data Load Functions
Records in files are not necessarily loaded as a complete record. It depends upon where the source data has come from and how the load process has been designed i.e. the amount of pre-processing that is done on the source data. For example, a load function may only load certain attributes into a file or alternatively, one load process may load multiple files at the same time. It is assumed that what is implemented, is what the user requested, and there was a good business reason for adopting the implemented approach. 

In most cases the EI Load functions process the data received. An exception situation occurs where the data is simply loaded as received from the source system. In this case, theoretically, the Load should not count as an EI and the file loaded should be counted as an EIF. This can cause the unusual situation where the DW loads a file that is typed as an EIF. The downstream reporting system reads the DW file and also types it as an EIF. This situation is rare and it is recommended that the load function be counted as an EI and the DW file as an ILF 

Maintenance functions for Reference/Translation Tables
Count as per IFPUG 4.1. 

Transactions: External Outputs and External Enquiries

Where they exist, the following may be counted as EOs and/or EQs for the Data Warehouse System: 

Data Reporting Functions
DW systems usually do not have their own reporting functions. They are not ‘reporting users’ of their own files. Other external applications reference the DW files (as EIFs) and produce the necessary reports. This can result in a considerable amount of double counting of files across the portfolio, but, this is usual when application boundaries are drawn in this way. Sometimes the DW does use a reporting tool such as Business Objects to generate reports. If so, count as per IFPUG 4.1 

Note: When the bulk of the processing (i.e. derived and calculated data) is performed as part of the data load processing, most of the reports produced are technically EQ’s 

Data Enquiry Functions
Count as per IFPUG 4.1. 

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